Masjid Sadar & Community Center invites all to learn how to play volleyball!
Training includes:
- Learning fundamentals of the game
- Serving the ball
- Passing the ball
- Hitting the ball
- Setting the ball
- Playing in teams of 6
InshaAllah, the volleyball training will be held throughout August from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM on the following days:
- Thursday, August 11
- Tuesday, August 16
- Thursday, August 18
- Tuesday, August 23
- Thursday, August 25
Trainees are expected to be at any age with a beginner skill level having little to no volleyball experience.
Please register for volleyball training using our Google Form.
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Br. Nazeer Syed.
Location: Masjid Sadar & Community Center